Therapeutic and specialised behaviour support intervention is aimed at analysing and reporting on environmental, social and systematic influences that disrupt a person's ability to achieve their goals and participate in life to the fullest. We are an NDIS registered service provider and can assist both NDIA Managed and Plan Managed participants of the scheme who would like to utilise funding for Improved Daily Living or Improved Relationships.
An evidenced -based approach to assisting individuals with developing strategies and skills to minimise the occurrence of challenging behaviours and assess and manage the risk of harm. It involves working with individuals, their families and their stakeholders to develop a plan that is in alignment with their goals, their interests and their needs.
We can assist with the development of interim and comprehensive plans with a focus on skills development and the implementation of environmental strategies. The individualised plan is closely monitored and maintained in consultation with all other service providers appointed by the individual.
If you think you , your nominated NDIS participant or your family member might benefit from development or maintenance of a PBSP, please don't hesitate to get in touch. We can also assist with analysis and reporting on behavioural needs and make recommendations for ongoing stakeholder involvement .
We offer regular and consistent intervention to individuals who require additional support to make progress towards their goals. We can work with you to identify barriers to progression and develop strategies to overcome them.
Our 6 week program is designed to assist you to develop your career goals, understand your transferable skills and improve your motivation through assessment and also with practical assistance to develop your job search tools. If you're feeling overwhelmed or not able to access the employment market independently, we provide individualised support to find and keep a job. Our job related counselling, coaching and mentoring can help you connect with employers and other employment services to help you overcome your barriers to achieving your goals.
Professional support is available to help clinicians progress their career goals with confidence. Our supervision programs incorporate a healthy dose of reflective practice, goal setting and skill building.
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